[JITF2020] Future Directions for Interpreting Agencies amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Taro Matsuda
Deputy Manager, Interpretation Department, Language Services Division, Congrès Global Communications Inc. From Tokyo. Joined an interpretation agency 13 years ago and was involved for many years in sales and interpreter coordination work of the interpretation department, experiencing many international conferences and engagements in financial services, medicine and pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, IT, consumer goods and various other industries. As a manager at Congrès Global Communications, he is currently responsible for establishing the business operations of his department while himself engaging in sales and interpreter coordination work. His hobbies are drinking, futsal and listening to rock music.
Future Directions for Interpreting Agencies amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
The spread of COVID-19 wiped out much of the demand for interpreters in the market. Interpreting agencies became incapable of providing much work to interpreters. However, demand for interpretation is recovering slowly but steadily since the state of emergency was lifted. As many customers are working remotely, the need to provide interpreting services in a remote environment has increased suddenly. Adapting to this environment is expected to be a key success factor for interpreting services in the future.