[JITF2020] Overview of Game Translation

Yosei Muto
Translator of games and publications. At the age of 29 when traveling alone under the influence of the Japanese novel “Shinya Tokkyu (Midnight Express),” he felt inspired about translation. After returning to Japan, he attended the publication translation course at Fellow Academy while working at a game translation company. He later became independent as a freelancer engaged in translation of games and publications. His main translated works include: “The Sean Duffy Series” and “The Good Shepherd.” Games that he translated include “Gone Home,” The Vanishing of Ethan Carter” and “Va-11 Hall-A.”
Overview of Game Translation
When I tell people that I translate games for a living, they often ask what sort of contents I translate and what the rules are. Perhaps you are also wondering the same things. In this course, a broad range of contents including an overview of game translation will be given, along with an explanation of past and present trends in the industry, and the characteristics and difficulties of game translation, as well as advice for those interested in doing this work, with an introduction to some jobs done in the past.