[JITF2020] Introduction to Yoga for Interpreters

Chiemi Nakai
Translator and interpreter. Graduated from the Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Letters, Waseda University. After working at a manufacturer as a general worker and in a local government, went to an interpreting school in Tokyo and made her debut as an interpreter in Okinawa in 2009. Completed a philosophy course at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) graduate school. Translated book: “Baby Yoga” (GAIA BOOKS, 2012).
Besides interpreting and translating, publishes the blog “English is a Gift” for bilingual education. Lives in Fukuoka.
Introduction to Yoga for Interpreters
Yoga, which has its roots in India, means “connection” in the Sanskrit language. It is a practice that combines breathing, posture, and meditation to relieve tension in the body and mind, to restore a healthy body and to stabilize and relax the mind, aiming for an integrated state in which the mind, body, and soul are interconnected.
Yoga, which is currently booming in Japan, suddenly gained popularity in the 21 century in a form reimported from the West, so instructors are often invited from overseas to conduct training. What kind of preparation would be needed if you were to interpret for a yoga session?
Yoga has developed into various forms, but the basics are the same. Foundational knowledge about yoga required at a minimum to do yoga interpretation will be imparted along with an actual example of a training program that one might have to interpret for.
・What is yoga?
・The history of yoga
・Yoga philosophy: Ashtanga (the eight limbs)
・Vocabulary to prepare up on
・A day in the life of a yoga training interpreter