[JITF2020] The Significance of Translation Agencies from the Perspective of Translators

Sagiri Yamakawa
An English to Japanese and Japanese to English translator with 15 years of experience. After leaving her studies in the Faculty of Law, Kyoto University, she became a freelance translator at the age of 26. After working as an in-house translator at Jiji Press, Nomura Research Institute and Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC, and as a Japanese linguist at Getty Images Japan, she has managed a boutique translation agency since 2018. Recently, the number of inquiries about interpreting projects has also increased. She has her own unique views on the work style of a translator. She will be publishing a co-translated book on Manga in October.
The Significance of Translation Agencies from the Perspective of Translators
As a stakeholder in the interpreter/translation industry, have you ever wondered why agencies exist in the first place?
In this session, the speaker, who had many years of experience as an individual translator before incorporating as a boutique agency two years ago, will share her personal perspectives on the significance of agencies, and in light of this, the roles of translators and agencies and how they can best engage with each other, so as to provide a forum for rethinking such issues together.