Past Forums, Page 4

[JIF2016] Simultaneous Interpreting for Beginners

Simultaneous Interpreting for Beginners Generally, students at a regular interpreting school in Japan would learn consecutive first and work their way up to simultaneous over time. However, ever si...

[JIF2016] Diplomatt School: The Way We Teach

Diplomatt School: The Way We Teach Diplomatt School Principal Fujiko Hara believes that “interpreters need to have the ability to communicate,” because interpreting is more than a simple act of wor...

[JIF2016] Simultaneous Interpreter AMA: Our Story

Simultaneous Interpreter AMA: Our Story Every year at the Japan Interpreting Forum, we organize a simultaneous interpreter AMA session in addition to an agency session to observe the realities of o...

[JIF2016] Japan Interpreting Forum 2016

Japan Interpreting Forum 2016 Time/Date: 9:30-18:45 on August 27, 2016 Venue: Forum 8 (Shibuya) Admission: JACI member: 3,500 yen / Non-Member: 8,000 yen Register from here (Japanese only) ...

[JIF2015] Finding Work: Nuts and Bolts

Finding Work: Nuts and Bolts How can I find work if I have no experience whatsoever? The biggest concern many students studying at various interpreting schools might be not knowing how to develop the...

[JIF2015] Agency AMA: What They Really Think

Agency AMA: What They Really Think Most interpreters meet and actually have a substantial conversation with their agency rep only once in their career: when they sign up. Because we rarely ever hav...

[JIF2015] Only a Start: Add Value to Interpreting

Only a Start: Add Value to Interpreting The medical device industry is booming. Prime Minister Abe and his government see it as one of the growth drivers to propel Japan out of years of economic stag...

Japan Interpreting Forum 2015

Japan Interpreting Forum 2015 Time/Date: 9:00-16:30 on August 29, 2015 Venue: Alcadia Ichigaya Admission: JACI member: 3,500 yen / Non-Member: 7,000 yen Register from here (Japanese only) [...