JACI member interviews

JACI Interpreter Interview #3: Fri McWilliams

This interview of JACI-certified member Fri McWilliams took place in June 2017. - Tell us a little bit about yourself. I was born in Yamaguchi, but soon moved to Hiroshima where my parents still...

JACI Interpreter Interview #2: Derek Wessman

This interview of JACI-certified member Derek Wessman took place in February 2017. - Tell us a little bit about yourself. I was born in San Diego, California, and grew up in Utah and Washingto...

JACI Interpreter Interview #1: Tom Eskildsen

This interview of JACI-certified member Tom Eskildsen took place in February 2017. - Tell us a little bit about yourself. I was born in Tokyo to Lutheran missionaries from the US. I grew up in...