Finding Work: Nuts and Bolts
How can I find work if I have no experience whatsoever? The biggest concern many students studying at various interpreting schools might be not knowing how to develop the...
Because Your Voice Matters: Introduction to Voice Training
In a way, the interpreter is only as good as her voice. But how many of us actually take good care of our throat on a daily basis, and make ...
Simultaneous Interpreter AMA: Welcome to the Trenches
In addition to an agency AMA, we have an AMA from deep in the trenches as well, because it is always good to have both sides of the story. Paneli...
Agency AMA: What They Really Think
Most interpreters meet and actually have a substantial conversation with their agency rep only once in their career: when they sign up. Because we rarely ever hav...
Medical English: Shadowing-based Learning
There are not many professional and aspiring interpreters who would drool over the thought of interpreting at a medical conference. Medical English itself, h...
(Hopefully) Getting to Yes: Negotiating Your Way Up
Many interpreters are not familiar with the idea of negotiating to get what they are really worth. In some cases, they do not even know what they a...
IPO’s and PO’s – How They Work, and How Interpreters Can Join in the Fun (and Contribute)
In 2014, the amount of equity financing by companies around the world reached a record high. In Japan alone, ...
Only a Start: Add Value to Interpreting
The medical device industry is booming. Prime Minister Abe and his government see it as one of the growth drivers to propel Japan out of years of economic stag...
Japan Interpreting Forum 2015
Time/Date: 9:00-16:30 on August 29, 2015
Venue: Alcadia Ichigaya
Admission: JACI member: 3,500 yen / Non-Member: 7,000 yen
Register from here (Japanese only)